Step 1. Select a song from Songbook#1 that speaks to you.
Step 2. Once you have chosen a song (or songs), use the DOWNLOAD BACKING TRACK link at the bottom of this page,
Step 3. Add your own vocal.
Step 4. Upload your work to a streaming site, such as Soundcloud or Youtube, or email it to You should credit your new version with your name and then VFactor ie. Yourname (VFactor), and use #IamTheVicar in the tags. The title of the song can also be added to the title and/or the tags.
The Vicar will work in the studio with those chosen to sing the new songs for Songbook #2. Any wonderful takes of the existing tracks will also be used in an album of alternative takes. It couldn’t be more simple. If you need help, then contact us. We don’t bite.
For those whose skills are artistic rather than musical, you can also get involved by submitting possible photo-sightings of the notoriously camera-shy Vicar. Throughout the year, The Vicar will select twelve images to accompany each of the tracks from the new album.
£100 for any images used on releases.
The Legal bit:
You are free to download these backing tracks for the purpose of adding a new vocal. New versions can be posted publicly for streaming online at sites such as Youtube or Soundcloud, or be emailed to They must not be offered for download.
You are asked to credit your new version with your name and then VFactor ie. Yourname (VFactor) and to use #IamTheVicar in the tags. The title of the song can also be added to the title and/or the tags.
You may not use any part of this for commercial purposes without permission from the originators and copyright holders.
TheVicar Ltd will operate the copyright in the resulting recordings on behalf of the artists. The Vicar has long championed artists’ rights, and, other than for streaming in relation to this contest, these remixes will not be used without the consent of the singers, who will be paid an appropriate royalty if their work is offered for sale.
For any re-use or distribution you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any unlawful use by others stemming from your failure to make clear these terms may make you liable.
Usage of these backing tracks is taken as agreement of these terms. Open worldwide to entrants who are aged 13 or older. Entrants who are under the age of majority in their country should get parent(s) or guardian(s) permission before entering.
Download Backing Tracks – Right click on the links below and choose Save as…