The Vicar avoids photographs, a protest against the egocentric, celebrity-obsessed cult of music (in George Harrison’s words : “the more you jump around, the bigger your hat is, the more people listen to your music”).
But imagery is constantly needed – there are twelve releases planned this year.
So this is your chance to “Shoot The Vicar”. Or even “Be The Vicar”.
Submit your photographs of the man (or woman) who isn’t there, using #IamTheVicar to Instragram or Facebook. Or to the contact details below.
Yes, it’s all about the art. And no-one does this for the money – least of all of The Vicar. But everyone has to eat. So £100 for every image that gets used on a release.
1. Take your masterpiece of the missing man or woman. Or just find that blurred selfie of you with your head chopped off.
2. Upload to Instagram or facebook using #IamTheVicar, or email to iamthevicar@thevicar.com
3. Each month, The Vicar will choose an image to be used on his next single release and part with the princely sum of £100.
4. For those wanting to match their photographic skills to a particular song title (and to keep you hooked all year long), at the begiining of each month The Vicar will post the title and lyrics of a new song. Follow him on Facebook or Twitter.
5. The starting gun will officially resonate around the world on 1st March (but you are welcome to jump it) – the first winner to be announced on 1st April. Competition runs until 1st March 2016 (unless the world ends before then). Bon chance. Have fun.